Periodontal surgery is any procedure used to restore and regenerate damaged periodontal structures. These periodontal structures include the gums around your teeth, the periodontal ligaments which help hold the teeth in their sockets and the bone surrounding your teeth.
Periodontal midtown east oral surgery will not cure periodontal disease but it can help increase the life expectancy of your teeth. Periodontal disease cannot be completely eliminated and the main aim of treatment is to help control it. Midtown east oral surgery treats any tissue loss caused by this disease and reconstructing gum and bone tissue should make it easier to look after your teeth and gums on a daily basis.
Periodontal disease or advanced gum disease is highly destructive. It can cause the loss of gum tissue, the periodontal ligaments and bone. As it progresses, periodontal disease causes the gums to pull away from the teeth creating the pockets in between the teeth and the gums. This enables the infection to build up and provides ideal conditions for bacteria to thrive. Treatments to control periodontal disease can help eliminate most bacteria in these deep pockets, but the gums are likely to remain detached or will shrink away from the teeth.
Your first step is to visit a periodontist like Dr. Navid Rahmani at Manhattan Periodontics & Implant Surgery in NYC. Dr. Rahmani will be able to examine your mouth and can formulate a treatment plan to help control the infection in your gums. Treatments that may be used include scaling and root planing and deep pockets can be cleaned using the very latest laser therapy. Once the inflammation has been brought under control, Dr. Rahmani might need to stabilize any loose teeth prior to your midtown east oral surgery as this will help the overall healing process. The next step will be to reevaluate your gums and their response to this initial therapy. At the same time you’ll need to take steps to maintain meticulous oral hygiene at home to help maintain these results. The next stage will be to plan surgical therapy.
Nowadays the techniques used during midtown east oral surgery are increasingly sophisticated and can help repair and regenerate soft and hard tissues. Any teeth that couldn’t be saved and have been extracted can be replaced with the very latest dental implants. The overall objective of surgery is to help eliminate any deep gum pockets and to regenerate any lost tissues to provide better form and function and of course to make sure your teeth and gums look good once treatment is completed.
It is remarkable that we are able to regenerate periodontal tissues in this way through techniques such as guided tissue regeneration and the use of sophisticated growth factors that help prompt the body to regenerate its own tissues. The results are predictable and surgery should be uneventful, provided patients to follow their doctor’s instructions to the letter. Afterwards it is vital to make sure you attend any follow-up appointments for further treatment and re-evaluation and of course you do need to ensure your oral hygiene at home is the very best it can be.
In: General Periodontal Topics
Latest Manhattan Periodontics and Implant Dentistry procedures including crown lengthening, gum graft, laser gum treatment in the heart of Midtown Manhattan, NYC. We offer periodontal treatments to patients from around the New York City area, NYC tourists, and from all over the United States.
Do you have any questions for New York periodontist Dr. Rahmani? Would you like to schedule an appointment with an internationally recognized, best rated NYC periodontist please contact our Midtown office for consultation.
New York Periodontics is a place where the care and comfort of our patients is our highest priority.
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